Obtain your online Expanse Therapy certificate now

✓ Teaching this entire holistic method with a comprehensive training video to practice, MP3 soundtrack and 2 detailed PDF manuals of 55 pages in total, with step-by-step presentation and overall review
✓ Explanation of the properties (physical and psychological) of the essential oils used for this work
✓ Detailed teaching of each happiness hormone and their release through massage
✓ Obtaining a training certificate, to practice in an office or privately in a family setting
✓ Support from our Federation team, to help you develop your activity.
Expanse Therapy: the first “head-heart-stomach” anti-depressant treatment
The treatment which allows emotional release in connection with our different organs (specific to Traditional Chinese Medicine), for more letting go and joy at all levels!
Head – heart – stomach massage
Why these three parts? We know that a majority of illnesses are due to stress, overwork, and our emotions stored mainly in the head, heart, and stomach. By acting on these 3 areas, it is acting on more than 240 million neurons and therefore hormones which act on our well-being. It’s activating the hormones of happiness through different processes, it’s unraveling embedded trauma and emotions in our different organs, it’s draining stored toxins and facilitating better functioning, it’s allowing energy to circulate better throughout the body. This combination of treatment on 3 primordial areas is the success of internal and external well-being, both on a psychological and physical level.
Expanse Therapy is a 1-hour global treatment spread over 3 axes, passing through the skull, through the heart to the stomach combined with 2 synergies of essential oils previously chosen for their virtues on different ailments and emotions.
Expanse Therapy is a therapy with an initial history to identify your profile and a course of 4 treatments with personalized follow-up on each session.
It is also a treatment combining sound therapy with a soundtrack specially developed and calibrated on radio frequencies specific to each area treated and acting on these tensions, blockages, stored emotions.
A treatment to stimulate the 5 senses, a powerful sensory journey allowing a great letting go like a real antidepressant, a shot of good humor, a concentrate of inner smile, a therapy of joy and liberation!
What you will learn from the Expanse Therapy online training
During this training, you will learn step by step and at your own pace, how to practice complete treatment. You will have the opportunity to work on strategic points of the body: the head, the heart, the stomach. You will also discover the role and importance of the synergies of essential and vegetable oils used during the massage.
Who is the Expanse Therapy online training for?
Are you of a kind nature, you like to do good to others and share love, and are you looking for additional income or to become self-employed? Or are you already a therapist and would like to enrich your offer with a new treatment? Then this training is made for you! The Expanse Therapy online training course is open to all wellness enthusiasts, with no prerequisites in the field. You can then practice it as you wish as a professional in your office or on your loved ones.
1st bonus

Leadership of the soul / Exceptional Masterclass by Olivier Honsperger
- Discover the 7 magic master formulas opening all the doors of destiny
- Value : 350€
2nd bonus

Karma2Cash / Masterclass on Marketing by one of the best world-renowned specialists, Dushan Jancik
- Essential 1h30 training in marketing to know how to set up marketing campaigns and succeed in Internet sales
- Value : 497€
FORMATION : 540€ 297€
+ BONUS : 350€ FREE
+ BONUS : 497€ FREE
1387€ 297€
or 3×99€
*This offer has a limited time. Take advantage now!